Beth Brownstein IBCLC LCCE CD
Lactation Home Visits in Stamford Connecticut and surrounding areas
In-Network with Aetna
I'm dedicated to providing supportive breastfeeding care, postpartum care and support and education services to parents and their families.
- International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC)
- Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator (LCCE)
- Certified Birth Doula,
- Certified Therapeutic Tummy Time Method (TTM) Instructor
- Completed Postpartum Support International (PSI) 2-day Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders Training Course.
Services offered:
Lactation Support, Education & Counseling
Therapeutic Tummy Time MethodTM Classes (TTM)
Postpartum Support
In the Past...
…Women helped women… Children were raised by the community… New mothers were not left alone.
Childbearing women and their babies were nurtured, cared for and supported through an extensive family structure. This consisted of grandmothers, aunts, cousins, siblings, and friends who were available, willing and able to help care for the “newborn family."
Today, in our American culture and society, we are missing this important lesson in regard to how families were so wonderfully supported during birth, the postpartum period and beyond. It is so important for a new parent to be able to take care of themselves so that they has the energy to care of their baby.
I would love to help you and your family have a more comfortable, satisfying postpartum experience. Whatever your vision for your journey – I want to help you achieve it!

©BETH BROWNSTEIN 203 530 9053
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